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May 07, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

I wrote this poem sometime ago to add to our son's baby scrapbook because his conception and birth was truly miraculous! We went through several years of heartbreaking infertility, then my first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Almost two years later, our son was born 3 weeks early by cesarean and spent the first week of his life in the hospital. Afterward an endocrinologist discovered I had poly-cystic ovary disease and was amazed I had been pregnant twice! I've been blessed with one child in heaven and one on earth! 

Bless My Little Baby Son
By Mrs. Dolores J. Rush.

Dear Lord, I love my baby son
And thank you for his life,
I ask thee to bless my little one,
Bless his little life.
Bless his wee little head
And his curly locks
As you shine upon his bed
Over his room, toys and blocks.
Remind him as he grows
Of your great and loving care,
Precious is he to you, I know,
From his sweet baby toes to his fuzzy hair.
This baby dear, so sweet and fine
I pray will grow strong and true
Into a gentleman, like Christ divine
Honorable through and through.


  1. How beautiful. Wishing you a special Mother's Day.

  2. So nice to stop by and meet you as I visit your lovely blog! This poem for your son is beautiful, so filled with a mother's love :)

    Kindly, Lorraine

    1. Thank you ladies for stopping in and saying your howdy's.

  3. I'm especially grateful for my late mother.

  4. Beautiful ans very special.


Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe. (Hebrews 12:28).