A cheerful heart
is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
~ Proverbs 17:22
Having trouble with stress overload plus chronic physical
illnesses may cause attitude problems when your bod's chemical balance gets out
of whack.. I know, as I was diagnosed with clinical depression after
experiencing major stress in the space of two years several years ago --
first, my husband lost his job, then our church split, then a new church,
unemployment was denied because our one and only car broke down and we didn't
have the money to get it fixed, a move, both my grandmothers passing away the
same year, two more moves, a new church again, broken arm (son's), two new
schools, an 8 year old teenager, bully issues, and diagnoses of ADD or Attention
Deficit Disorder (whole family) and then on top of that, each of our
appliances, like dominoes, died one after the other.
My immune system, never strong to begin with, blew a fuse,
and I caught whatever bug (bacterial/viral) was going around. I played Russian
roulette everytime I ventured out in public, even to church or to the grocery
store, because as soon as I did, I was sure to be sick that whole week with
something -- colds, pneumonia, once I had the stomach flu and the chest crud at
the same time which landed me in the hospital emergency room because I couldn't
breathe (I have asthma), etc. After a year of that, I was sick and tired of
being sick and tired -- tired is the key word here! I didn't feel depressed in
my spirit, but my body had had enough by that time and my doctor prescribed
Zoloft. I was on it for four years. It helped me sleep the whole night through
and slowly I began to feel rested.
My doctor also prescribed changing our light bulbs in the
house to a higher wattage, getting out in the sun everyday for at least
ten-fifteen minutes (I could barely move, so, at first, the thought of exercise
was overwhelming. I had to push myself to do a little housework or yardwork
each day), and taking vitamins -- just ordinary one-a-day vitamins.
So if you find you are tired all the time, feeling sad or
blue or grumpy or crying at the drop of a hat, then it's time for a little doc
check-up. At the same time, find something to be thankful for everyday -- like
your veggies!
Here's my list for this week!
1. I'm thankful for my veggies (except for brussels sprouts!
LOL!). And especially Veggie-Tales! In fact, when I was teaching Sunday School,
our classroom was decorated in Veggie-Tales! J
2. I'm also thankful for fruit and Fruit of the Spirit --
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." ~ Galations 5:22-23.
3. I'm thankful for Ernie & Gail, who graciously loaned
us a car until we could save the money to get ours fixed!
5. I'm thankful for
movie night with friends!
Whatever you are grateful for, I'd love to read it. I'd appreciate it if you would share it through the comment link below!