Most of August found me "spring cleaning" the kitchen in preparation for a procedure I was to have in September, so the month whizzed by and one day I suddenly realized it was September and I hadn't done anything in my positivity journal, so I've been playing catch-up for both months.
However, despite getting ready for the procedure, such as getting rid of all the dirt and plastic in the kitchen and converting over to stainless steel and glassware, the doctor stopped at a certain spot inside when he found something unexpected and backed out quickly for he did not want to disturb it, so I didn't get the test I wanted. That won't happen until December when I have a repeat of the same to make sure everything is healed before proceeding. Then I had a cataract removed in my left eye and two stents put in to help my eye drain. I have pigmentary glaucoma, a rare form of glaucoma. This is me - click here. When's the last time you have had your eyes checked? Don't let glaucoma (or cataracts) steal your eyesight!
We took our 12th trash bag of plastic stuff to donate to Red Racks thrift store in the month of September.
Our pastor also decided on a theme of GRACE to preach about in the next school year and he asked me to create coloring sheets to coordinate with his sermons. I created a short video to explain what to do with the coloring scripture index cards that I was making.
Genesis 24:63 = He went out to the field one evening to meditate...
Joshua 1:8 = Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Psalm 1:2 = but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.
Proverbs 17:22 = A merry heart does good like a medicine.
Ephesians 3:18 = may have power together with all the Lord's people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.
Ephesians 5:2 = and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Colossians 1:6 = All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God's grace in all its truth.
1 Timothy 1:14 = The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
Jude 1:21 = Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.
Revelations 1:5 = and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the first born from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood.
"Believe you can do it!" (Bob Ross, The Joy of Painting TV-PBS artist)
Be someone's sunshine when their skies are grey.
"By reading the scriptures, I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The who world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet." (Thomas Merton)
Choose happy!
Farm Fresh
Friend Blessings come in countless ways, through caring smiles on cloudy days, in hopeful prayers that see us through...
From my garden with love.
Grown with Love.
Hello Fall!
Homemade with Love.
"It was one of those sumptuous days when the world is full of autumn muskiness and tangy crisp perfection: vivid blue sky, deep green fields, leaves in a thousand luminous hues. It is a truly astounding sight when every tree is a landscape becomes individual, when each winding back highway and plump hillside is suddenly and infinitely splashed with every sharp shade that nature can bestow - flaming scarlet, lustrous gold, throbbing vermilion, fiery orange." (Bill Bryson).
"Jesus comes not for the super-spiritual but for the wobbly and the weak-kneed who know they don't have it all together, and who are not too proud to accept the handout of amazing grace." (Brennan Manning).
Jesus loves me from my head to-ma-toes! See Dolly on Flickr.
JOY -- (My friend Connie made a sign for me. She made it from her granny's old cutting board.).
Meditate = to think deeply or to pray; to focus one's mind for a period of time on God and what he has done for me; count my blessings, for instance!
"One of the ways out of bitterness is through the use of gentle, self-effacing humor." (Rev. Dr. Ed Hird) Self-effacing humor is a strong, confident person who can make fun of themselves.
Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction.
Tea for two, me for you.
Tomatoes 10 cents each
"Walk towards the sunshine, and the shadows will fall behind you." (on one of Mary Engelbreit's notepads).
You warm my heart.
My first memory involves my Kansas grandmother and I. She and I were in her bedroom and she pointed up to a picture on her wall. She told me that was Jesus. Later I said my first word, Gee-gee (Jesus). Mom said she knew it was a word because I was pointing up at a picture of Jesus on the wall with my pudgy little finger while she was changing me. I'm forever grateful that Grandma introduced me to Gee-gee!
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Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe. (Hebrews 12:28).