"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." ~ Colossians 2:6-7.
1. Several of the ladies in a Bible Study I attended awhile back told me that I think about things differently than they do. I'm not exactly sure why -- maybe it's the way my brain is wired or that creative bent I have (well, everyone has a creative bent as they were also made by a creative God, but perhaps mine has been exercised a little more -- smile!), or it's my generation, but I've noticed something about words. I have a "I Did It" list that I check off as I progress through it. If I write a "To Do List," I feel overwhelmed, pressured to perform, then procrastinate and feel guilty if it doesn't get done, however, as soon as I write things into my "I Did It" list, I have the goal written there to refer back to, but there is no pressure to perform and I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I check it off. I also use the word "doodle" (such as those mushrooms over to the left) instead of "drawing." "Drawing" makes me feel like I must complete a masterpiece, but doodling is fun play and I don't have to create a masterpiece when I'm just doodling for fun! So, I appreciate the fact that I can use reverse psychology and words in different ways to motivate myself to try. 👍
2. Who inspired you to write? My mother, a former teacher, taught me how to write my name with my right hand in block letters which I practiced all through kindergarten and first grade and eventually, Mrs. Dougherty, my second grade teacher showed me how to write cursive. In junior high school, Mrs. Powers taught me to type, which I still use today. And in high school, Mr. Anderson, our Latin language teacher, taught a calligraphy mini-course which I took, then along comes Stephanie Ackerman who taught me her style of lettering. With all of them, I practiced their way of writing for awhile and eventually have formed my own style of writing -- what I liked I kept and what I didn't, I discarded. I've been told I have pretty cursive handwriting, but that only came after lots of practice. I'm really thankful to be able to write and create using my fingers.
2. Who inspired you to write? My mother, a former teacher, taught me how to write my name with my right hand in block letters which I practiced all through kindergarten and first grade and eventually, Mrs. Dougherty, my second grade teacher showed me how to write cursive. In junior high school, Mrs. Powers taught me to type, which I still use today. And in high school, Mr. Anderson, our Latin language teacher, taught a calligraphy mini-course which I took, then along comes Stephanie Ackerman who taught me her style of lettering. With all of them, I practiced their way of writing for awhile and eventually have formed my own style of writing -- what I liked I kept and what I didn't, I discarded. I've been told I have pretty cursive handwriting, but that only came after lots of practice. I'm really thankful to be able to write and create using my fingers.
3. Having to deal with knuckle-heads from time to time reminds me of my appreciation of Jesus' patience with the knuckle-heads he had to deal with in his earthly existence. How many times did he have to explain something again to one of his disciples? 👼
4. I appreciate good listeners and I dislike call-waiting. In my opinion, call-waiting is rude and gives the active caller the impression that they aren't important when the callee switches over to another person calling in. That's why I refuse to have it on my telephone. That's what voice mail is for, "Leave a message please and I'll return your call; this call is important at the moment and has all my attention. When we speak, you'll have my undivided attention too."
4. I appreciate good listeners and I dislike call-waiting. In my opinion, call-waiting is rude and gives the active caller the impression that they aren't important when the callee switches over to another person calling in. That's why I refuse to have it on my telephone. That's what voice mail is for, "Leave a message please and I'll return your call; this call is important at the moment and has all my attention. When we speak, you'll have my undivided attention too."
5. Finished up my Documented Faith dividers and working on my testimony pages. I finished filling in this page. Have 2 1/2 more glue-book pages to finish. Thank you, God, for Stephanie. Bless Her in the coming year of Documented Faith 2018 with wisdom, grace and much patience for her slow scholars. In Jesus name, Amen! 🔆
Only God can make a Tree! (turn your sound on)